Friday 15 May 2009

heaven eyes-Sqeak

1. How long have you been mouses’ friend?

He found me 1 year ago when he was digging in the mud near a tree. I was trapped under a rock

2. Did you enjoy your trip to the black middens?

no. I hated it. The mud stuck to me and smelt of oil and dead fish.

3. Did you like running away from Whitegates?

`yes, because I don’t like being confined in that white concrete box

4. What did you think of grampa?

I think he was a homicidal maniac with a demented wood axe to fettle people with. But he was evil to conceal hevean eyes past from him.

5. What did you think of heaven eyes?

she was a caring, kind and conciderate person who was a true friend to erin. But I didn’t like the stupid way she talked.

6. Do you like Whitegates?

No. it is boring being treated like damaged scum.

7. Did you like going on the raft?

No. I get sea sick and puked in mouses pocket. And I don’t like water

8. Do you like Maureen?

No. she is a evil witch and simpley treats us as damaged children

9. What did you think were in grampa’s secret boxes?

All the people he fettled and their property to sell on ebay.

10. What is your favorite cheese?

I like stilton because of it’s creamy texture and intense flavour, but I also like a nice cheddar.

Friday 23 January 2009

My poem :The watchers

The watchers

They watch seeing the seasons Roll by like the waves Lapping on the shore Never speaking of their knowledge

They are the watchers Of life and time Knowing the balance between Right and wrong ` Good and evil Life and death

They have watched the centuries pass by Like the life on the world They have seen so much war But so little peace

Through out all conflict The motive never changes The lust for power Wealth And continents It is like a cancer Which never ceases

They are the watchers

Which never breathe a word

But watch

The silent watchers

By Luke Shepherd